The interactive Breakthroughs in Muscular Dystrophy (November 19-20, 2024) program below is updated live as speakers and sessions are confirmed.
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Tuesday, November 19
Keynote - Genetic Therapies for Muscular Dystrophies: Opportunities and Challenges
8:35 - 9:35 a.m.
Chair: Jeffrey Chamberlain, PhD, University of Washington
- Genetic Therapies for Muscular Dystrophies: Opportunities and Challenges
Louis Kunkel PhD, Children's Hospital Boston
- Genetic Therapies for Muscular Dystrophies: Opportunities and Challenges
Carsten Bonnemann MD, NINDS/NIH
Non-Viral Delivery
9:35 - 10:35 a.m.
Chair: Monkol Lek, PhD, Yale School of Medicine
- Advancing Non-Viral Delivery via Battelle's HIT SCAN Platform
Kenneth Sims PhD, Battelle Memorial Institute
- A targeted, non-viral platform to deliver the full-length dystrophin gene
Nick Whitehead PhD, Myosana Therapeutics
Viral Delivery
11:05 a.m. - 12:05 p.m.
Chair: Melissa Spencer, UCLA
- Monitoring Viral Delivery with Non-invasive Imaging
Oluwatayo Ikotun, University of California, Los Angeles
- Split-Inteins
Jeffrey Chamberlain PhD, University of Washington
Monitoring AAV Delivery
1:05 - 2:30 p.m.
Chair: Carsten Bonnemann, MD, NINDS/NIH
- Intro to Monitoring AAV Delivery
Federico Mingozzi PhD, Spark Therapeutics Inc
Vector Immunology
J. Fraser Wright PhD, Stanford School of Medicine
Transgene Immunology
Armando Villalta PhD, UC Irvine
Enabling Readministration/Redosing
Barry Byrne MD, PhD, University of Florida
Gene Editing
2:40 - 4:00 p.m.
Chair: Angela Lek, VP of Research, MDA
- A Novel Dual Vector Approach for Safe and Efficient Expression of Large Genes using RNA End-joining (REJ)
Samuel Pfaff PhD, The Salk Institute for Biological Studies
- Genome Editing for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Charles Gersbach PhD, Duke University
- Panel Discussion
Oral Abstract Session
4:30 - 5:50 p.m.
Chairs: Evrim Atas and Angela Lek, MDA
Wenesday, Novemeber 20
RNA Targeted Therapies
8:30 - 10:15 a.m.
Chair: Scott Harper, Ohio State University & Nationwide Children's Hospital
- Enhancing the Delivery of Antisense Oligonucleotide Therapies: Innovative Approaches for Muscular Dystrophy
Toshifumi Yokota PhD, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB
- Translating RNAi-based Gene Therapies for Dominant Neuromuscular Disorders
Lindsay Wallace PhD, Nationwide Children's Research Institute, Columbus, OH
- ASOs for CNS delivery
Aurelie Goyenvalle PhD, University of Versailles Saint Quentin En Yvelines
- Panel Discussion
Panel: Future of Genetic Therapies for Muscular Dystrophies
10:45 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Chair: Sharon Hesterlee, Chief Research Officer, Muscular Dystrophy Association
- Panelists
Jeffrey Chamberlain PhD, University of Washington
Carsten Bonnemann MD, NINDS/NIH
Katherine High MD, Rockefeller University
Barry Byrne MD, PhD, University of Florida
Melissa Spencer, UCLA
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Thank You to the Organizing Committee
- Jeffrey Chamberlain, PhD
University of Washington
- Angela Lek, PhD
Muscular Dystrophy Association
- Evrim Atas, PhD
Muscular Dystrophy Association
- Charlie Gersbach, PhD
Duke University
- Toshifumi Yokota, PhD
University of Alberta
- Manuela Corti, PhD
University of Florida
- Monkol Lek, PhD
Yale University
- Julie Crudele, PhD
University of Washington
- Melissa Spencer, PhD
- Carsten Bonnemann, MD
- Scott Harper, PhD
The Ohio State University/Nationwide Children's Hospital