
Abstract submission is now closed.

Thank you for your submissions! Notifications will be sent Aug. 19.

Important Dates

Abstract Submission Opens May 1, 2024
Abstract Submission Closes July 19, 2024
Notifications Sent to Authors August 19, 2024
Abstracts Released to Public September 30 @ 4:30 p.m. ET


Author Registration Discounts


ASGCT members can save up to $200 on registration, and Associate Members (students and postdoctoral fellows) who are first and presenting authors can get a discounted* registration rate of $175! Be sure to register to attend in-person or virtually, or submit an abstract to be considered for an oral or poster presentation.

*Discounted rates do not apply if your abstract is withdrawn or rejected.

Submit an Abstract

Embargo Policy

The full text of accepted abstracts will be made available to media registrants on September 16, 2024, two weeks before the content goes live to the public. Abstracts will be released to the public on September 30, 2024 at 4:30pm ET.

Researchers and presenters are free to discuss the content of their abstracts throughout this embargo period, but any abstract-related content may not be published until the abstracts are publicly released online.  
Updated data, new graphics, and follow-up information to be presented during oral presentation sessions is embargoed until 6 a.m. on the presentation day.  

Updated data, new graphics, and follow-up information to be presented via ePoster is embargoed until 6 a.m. on the first day of the meeting, October 16.

ASGCT will publish the titles and authors in the abstract collection upon the acceptance of notification on August 19. After an abstract author has accepted their presentation role, the author and their organization are encouraged to publicize the title, author name, and presentation time across any channels they'd like, tagging ASGCT where applicable.

General Requirements

  • All Abstracts are capped at 3,500 characters INCLUDING spaces
  • All abstracts must be submitted in clear and concise English. Spelling may be in U.S. English or UK English.
  • Remove all track changes before submitting your abstract; these changes can be picked up with copy and paste functions, making the abstract incoherent.
  • The title should be entered exactly as it is to appear online—titles should be submitted in title case in AMA formatting. You may use this text converter to help create the perfect title.
    • Title case rules include capitalizing all “major” words (nouns, adjectives, verbs, pronouns) and leaving articles (a, an, the) and conjunctions (and, but, for) lowercase unless it is the first word in the title.
    • Here is an example of a title case abstract title: From Darkness to Light: CIB2 Gene Delivery Rescues Age-Related Macular Degeneration-Like Phenotype in a Preclinical Model
  • The names of all co-authors and their institutional affiliations must be provided at time of submission.
    • Any names excluded in submission will not be listed in the author block of the publication.
    • Co-authors will also be asked to fill out their financial disclosures and update their profiles.
  • It is the responsibility of the submitter to proofread the abstract and author list carefully. Abstracts will be published as submitted.
  • Tables and figures may be uploaded via a photo file type, .jpeg or .png.
    • Each abstract is limited to 2 uploads.
    • Images should include any labels or footers needed.
  • The abstract may be structured (ie. Divided into sections: introduction, methods, results, conclusions) or unstructured.
  • Do not use bold type or underline formatting—italic type is acceptable.
  • Changes to abstract content and author block may be made by the submitter prior to the close of the submission deadline.
  • Edit requests to submissions following the submission deadline are not guaranteed. And no changes will be made after the withdrawal deadline.
  • All authors must submit their ORCiD number during submission. If you do not yet have an ORCiD, please visit https://orcid.org/ to create your free identification number.
  • The presenting author of abstracts selected for oral or poster presentation must attend the event in person. If the original designated presenting author cannot attend, a co-author may be designated as an alternative presenter.
  • ASGCT does not accept abstracts that have been published before or that are overly commercial or proprietary in nature.

Tips for Submitting the Best Abstract

  • Clarity is vital.
    • It does not need to be subdivided into Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions sections, but any well-written abstract should contain the elements in that basic order
  • If applicable, choose your category wisely.
    • Make sure your abstract is competitive in the category of choice – abstracts deemed “off-topic” may receive lower scores.
  • Highlight new and novel aspects and be clear about what advancements you have made.
  • Clarify the problem, then describe how your work solves the problem or how it fills a gap or an unknown in the field.
  • Clearly describe the model system(s) used.
    • Technical innovations should be contextualized with relevant model systems, so that reviewers can understand the value of these important studies.
  • Highlight the results found.
  • Avoid too many background details—get to the point.
  • Keep in mind the audience that is reviewing your abstract (scientific researchers, clinicians, industry scientists, and academics who specialize in their category) make sure there is enough data in the abstract to be reviewed by this audience.
  • Do not simply describe your conclusions: place your findings within the context of the field. How does your work impact past, present, and/or future research?
  • Edit and proofread your abstract—if needed, use English editing support.

Learn more about submitting a plain language summary



Register for the ASGCT Policy Summit

September 23-24, 2024 | Washington, D.C.

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